Did you know that horror films are actually good for you?? I direct the Mile High Horror Film Festival, so it’s no secret that I love horror films! However, you may not be aware of the many benefits to watching them.

5 Reasons to Watch Horror Films:

  1. You can burn around 200 calories watching a horror movie! Who needs a salad or a workout routine when we have horror movies. 🙂 Actually, I work out regularly, but I also watch horror films, so that must be the ultimate workout.
  2. It’s the perfect date night movie. You’re bound to get closer!
  3. Escapism. The horror genre is rooted in escapism. Personally, one of the main reasons I watch them is not to think about real-life horrors or cumbersome things happening in real life. I want a film to take me to another place. Horror films are very good at this.
  4. Studies have shown that watching a horror film can actually boost your immune system! According to the study, when you become afraid, your body produces more white blood cells. This helps fight bacteria, making you healthier. If this is true, we should be watching at least one horror film per day!
  5. Studies have also shown that horror movies can help fight depression. We produce adrenaline when we become scared, which counteracts depression.

There are many reason to watch horror films; these are only 5 of them. Watch one today! And check out the website for the Mile High Horror Film Festival here: WWW.MHHFF.COM.