Are you trying to avoid cabin fever? With many of us either under quarantine or in self isolation, you are not alone. The coronavirus has forced millions of people into isolation. Life in this global pandemic has created a new normal and it’s easy to feel restless or stir crazy.
The good news is that there are ways to avoid the ails of cabin fever! In fact, here are 10 of them:
- READ A BOOK: This is the perfect opportunity to pick up a book and get your read on! After all, knowledge is power and reading is an excellent form of escapism.
- WATCH A MOVIE: As a filmmaker and director of the Mile High Horror Film Festival, it’s no secret that I like movies. In fact, watching a film is one of the best forms of escapism possible. And if you can enjoy it with someone else, all the better!
- PURSUE A HOBBY: Whether you already have a hobby or would like to start one, this is a great chance to pursue art, music, writing, producing or whatever you are into! Follow your passions.
- BE SOCIAL WHEN YOU CAN: If you’re in isolation that doesn’t necessarily mean you are alone. Social media, emails, phone calls, video chats and socially distanced conversations can all go a long way to helping avoid cabin fever.
- EXERCISE: It’s proven that exercise is extremely beneficial to your mind and your body. It can help you feel more stable and energetic. There are plenty of exercises that you can do without needing a gym, such as plyometrics, pushups, sit-ups or even a walk or run outside.
- SPRING CLEANING: If you are stuck at home, it’s an excellent opportunity to clean that long avoided basement or yard. Think of it like a treasure hunt; you never know what you’ll find!
- GET OUTSIDE: It’s proven that going on a hike, walk or run outside can release endorphins and be very therapeutic. If the weather provides, get out and smell the flowers. Don’t stay confined to your house or apartment if you’re allowed!
- SET SOME GOALS: Setting goals is another way to help avoid feeling restless. What do you want to accomplish in a day? Make a list and then take action steps to achieve those goals.
- GAMES: Getting your game on is a great way to avoid cabin fever. Whether you’re into poker, solitaire, video games or anything in-between, this can be helpful and social.
- STAY POSITIVE: This is probably the most important tip on this list. If you can stay positive, it can do wonders to avoid going stir crazy. After all, there will eventually be vaccine for the coronavirus and whether you’re reading this during the pandemic or after, it’s important to keep optimistic and hopeful for the future.