I’m excited to announce that the Mile High Horror Film Festival 2020 (VIRTUAL) will launch this fall! As some of you may know, I am the director of the MHHFF. It showcases the very best horror, thriller and sci-fi films from around the world.

We’re now gearing up to launch the MHHFF virtually September 24th – October 4th. Anyone in the USA may watch by streaming it! Scream Passes are now available! -GET YOUR SCREAM PASS-

The Mile High Horror Film Festival 2020 (VIRTUAL) will feature mostly new movies and premieres, giving you a chance to see them before they are released to the general public. It will also feature quite a few Q&A’s with special guests, cast and crew. If you love horror films like I do, you should definitely check it out! -LEARN MORE-

Did you know that horror movies are actually good for you?? It’s true. I made a vlog about it here: WHY HORROR FILMS ARE GOOD FOR YOU! (5 Reasons)